Thursday, 20 September 2012

Sprite Stitch Swap

I am long overdue posting these pictures. After taking part in the mini swap last year I took part in the Sprite Stitch Big swap this summer.  I love Sprite Stitch and was thrilled to pieces to be part of the big swap....until I found out who I had to make for...I got BlackMageHeart (BMH) who is one of the most talented people and who does so much cross stitch that one of the other members actually went off on a rant and worked out how much she must stitch per hour relating to things that she had mentioned on the site. She is also the lady that runs the swap and the person you go to when you need help.  The only reason I was daunted by making something for her was because I wanted to make something good enough, because actually she is lovely - go and check her out at her blog BlackMageHeart.
So after much deliberation this is the package I sent:

A Phantasy Star online biscornu.  This was the first biscornu I made but I am so happy with how it turned out. It is also something just a little bit different.
"The Rant" stitched
 This just had to be put into stitch form and if anyone was born to stitch it is BMH
Black Mage Tote
Over the swaps BMH has always taken part and she has recieved many different forms of black mage, but I found a new one!  I like the idea of this tote bag though because you could have any 8-bit character relatively easily....maybe.....

Unfortunately my swappee seems to have disappeared into the void of time and space, but I am quite excited as I know several people are making up stuff to send out so no one gets left out, since I am the only person not to recieve anything I know that I should still recieve a lovely little parcel at some point. Yay!


All messages are welcome and Thank You for commenting : )